拼音:zhì piáo 英文解釋:
modesty; rusticity
(1) ∶樸素一個質樸的家庭醫生,沒有專家那種話語不多的高傲態度(2) ∶淳樸要... >>
查看“質樸”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
naivety 2.
unsophistication 3.
naivete 4.
unaffected 中英例句:
- 對民間幽默的愛好;質樸的政論文
A penchant for cornpone humor; cornpone political prose
- 其它諸如美學的、直覺的、質樸的考慮,讓我們做出決定將家建在那裡。
It was on a rise where, once upon a time, a farmhouse had sat.
- 質樸的,純潔的保持純潔狀態的;未被文明腐蝕的
Remaining in a pure state; uncorrupted by civilization
- 剛健質樸
(of a style) vigorous [robust] and simple [unadorned]
- 剛健質樸
(of a style) vigorous and simple
- 其它諸如美學的、直覺的、質樸的考慮,讓我們做出決定將家建在那裡。
It was on a rise where, once upon a time, a farmhouse had sat
- 誠實不虛偽;質樸
Lack of pretentiousness; simplicity.
- 偉大的真理十三質樸;偉人也是如此。
The greatest truth is the simplest; and so is the great men.