字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>殖民統治的英文翻譯


拼音:zhí mín tǒng zhì


【法】 colonial domination; colonial rule


  1. 抵抗運動開展了一場反對殖民統治者的恐怖活動。
    The resistance movement started a campaign of terror against the colonial rulers.
  2. 拉丁美洲和非洲人民成功地進行了反對殖民統治的戰鬥。
    The Latin American and African people have successfully fought against colonial rule.
  3. 肯亞曾多年受(英國)殖民統治
    Kenya was under (British) colonial rule for many years.
  4. 殖民統治時期的拉丁美洲天主教會
    Catholic Church of Latin America in the Colonial Period
  5. 擺脫了殖民統治的國家開始挑戰歐洲的文化統治。
    Ex-colonial countries began to challenge the cultural dominance of Europe.
  6. 而是因為殖民統治和 殖民掠奪.
    but because of colonial rule and colonial eXPloitation.
