拼音:zhì lì英文解釋:
- 智利礦山和冶煉廠的幾項新技術介紹Some New Techniques of Mining and Smelter of Chile
- 智利教育券政策述評Review of Education Voucher Policy in Chile
- 第六章:在前五章的基礎上對智利模式做出總結評價。The last chapter comments on the“Chilean model”.
- 智利司法行政體制及財務管理The Judicial Administrative System and Financial Management of Chile
- 分智利、巴拿馬和烏拉圭的貨幣單位A unit of currency in Chile, Panama, and Uruguay
- 智利音樂music of Chile
- 智利采銅業勞動生產率的提高An increase of labour productivity of mining industry in Chile
- 智利共和國大使館?Embassy of the Republic of Chile?