拼音:zhì jìng英文解釋:
greet; hail; salute中文解釋:
(1) ∶向人敬禮舉劍致敬(2) ∶表示敬意有各種致敬方式,如信奉佛教的人用合十... >>查看“致敬”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.hail 2.payhonourto 3.touchone'shat 4.salution 5.topayhomage 6.topayone'srespects相關對話:
- 我們都向女王鞠躬致敬。We all bowed to the Queen.
- 士兵們奉命舉槍致敬。The soldiers were ordered to present arms.
- 他們肅立向她致敬。They stood in silence as a mark of honour to her.
- 他們舉起拳頭向領袖致敬。They raised their fists in salute to their leader.
- 他們鳴禮炮十響向女王致敬。They saluted the Queen by firing ten guns.