拼音:zhǐ huī英文解釋:
direct; conduct; helm; lead; superintend【法】 command; conductor; direction; lead; preside; superintendence
(1) ∶發令調度指揮圍攻(2) ∶指導樂曲或樂隊的演奏(3) ∶發令調度的人樂... >>查看“指揮”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.Kapellmeister 2.incommandof 3.stage-manage 4.choregus 5.undercommandof 6.superintend 7.choragus 8.undertheordersof 9.havecommandof 10.takecommandof 11.conductor 12.batonist 13.tookcommandof 14.conduct 15.bandmaster漢語造句:
- 管弦樂隊新來的指揮一上任就先把較差的演奏人員清除出去了。The new conductor start by weed out the weaker player in the orchestra.
- 她在國內第一流指揮家中名列榜首。She ranks foremost among the country's leading conductors.
- 那年輕的女高音歌手受到一著名指揮家的提攜。The young soprano was taken up by a famous conductor.
- 管弦樂隊隊員都已各就各位,等待著指揮。The orchestra were all in position, waiting for the conductor.
- 負責人管理或指揮其他人的人One who is in charge or in command of others.
- 合唱隊演唱得很不和諧(歌唱者不聽從指揮)。The choir gave a ragged performance, ie The singers were not following the conductor.