字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>指點的英文翻譯 “指點”的日文翻譯


拼音:zhǐ diǎn


give directions
【計】 pointing
【醫】 poinling


指示;點明舟人指點。——宋· 陸游《過小孤... >>查看“指點”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.point(s)  2.suggestion  3.reply  4.pointing  


  1. 她就怎樣處理這件事給了我一些有益的指點
    She give me some useful hint on how to deal with the matter.
  2. 上次考試他給我指點錯了,所以我沒及格。
    He gave me a bum steer on the last exam that I failed.
  3. 當了名人的麻煩之一是在街上被人指指點點。
    One of the penalties of fame is that people point at you on the street.
  4. 沒有魔棒來指點你未來的生活和工作。
    There is no magical wand to transform your future life and career.
  5. 您可以指點我到展覽中心去的路嗎?
    Will you kindly direct me to the Exhibition Center?
  6. 希望各位能幫我指點迷經!
    Hope everybody can help me give directions fan classics!
  7. 再一次致信打擾您,期待得到您的指點
    I am writing to you to seek for help and advices again.
  8. 關於這個問題,你能指點我一下嗎?
    Can you enlighten me on this subject?
