- 有尾的有尾的或類似尾巴的附肢的
Having a tail or taillike appendage
- 無足的,足部不發達的無肢的,無足的或無足狀附屬物的
Having no limbs, feet, or footlike appendages.
- 軀幹雕塑省略或除去四肢的人體軀幹的雕塑
A statue of the human body with the head and limbs omitted or removed
- 淺析肌電控制人造假肢的原理和結構
The Theory and Structure of EMG Controled Limb Prosthetics
- 肱肢的部分或臂上的隆起
The part of a limb or process corresponding to an arm.
- 有四隻腳或腿或腿樣附肢的脊椎動物。
a vertebrate animal having four feet or legs or leglike appendages
- 軀幹人或動物包括頭與四肢的身體部分
The body of a human being or an animal excluding the head and limbs
- 小腿,脛位於膝蓋和腳之間的腿部或後肢的部位;脛
The section of the leg or hind limb between the knee and foot; shank.