拼音:zhēn zhèng dì 英文解釋:
authentically; indeed; really and truly; veritably相關詞條:
positively 2.
genuinely 3.
soothly 中英例句:
- "自從主任工程師到我們公司來了以後,公司真正地興旺起來了。"
The company has really flourished since the chief engineer joined us.
- 她朝他誠懇地看了一眼,但是他知道他不能真正地相信她。
She gave him a guileless look, but he knew he couldn't really trust her.
- 這個裙樣沒有真正地示明袖口是怎樣與袖子連線在一起的。
The dress pattern doesn't really explain how the cuff joins onto the sleeve.
- 該黨在受到選舉失敗的打擊之後,才真正地團結起來。
After the shock of their electoral defeat, the party really began to pull together.