拼音:zhēn zhèng 英文解釋:
in deed; in word and deed
(1) ∶名實完全相符真正中華民國。—— 孫文《黃花岡七... >>
查看“真正”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
indeed 2.
inwordanddeed 3.
pursang 4.
genuineness 5.
ofaverity 6.
inverity 相關對話:
- 這其中含有真正的危險。
Herein lies the real danger.
- 真正的權力屬於人民。
The real power resides in the people.
- 她是個真正的專家。
She is a real professional.
- 儘管客棧老闆很熱情,但我們猜想他的真正目的是為了得到更多的錢。
Although the innkeeper was warm, we guessed that his real goad was to get more money.
- 我父親是一個真正的保守主義者,他至今還認為婦女應該呆在家裡。
My father is a real conservative; he still thinks a woman's place is in the house.
- 他同時具有創造性想像力和真正的治學謹嚴學風。
He combines creative imagination and true scholarship.
- 這次比賽中真正的英雄是我們的守門員。
The real hero of the match was our goalkeeper.
- 旅遊業已經成為真正的產業。
The tourist trade has become a real industry.