拼音:zhèn yā英文解釋:
beat down; suppress; bring under; crack down on; execute; get under; keep downput down
【法】 crack-down; repress; scotch; subjugation; suppress; suppression
(1) ∶用強力壓制剛出現的起義已被徹底鎮壓下去了(2) ∶處死那個殺人犯已經被... >>查看“鎮壓”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.bringunder(control) 2.quash 3.subjugation 4.slapdown 5.suppress 6.repress 7.crackdown 8.crackdownon 9.crackdown 10.quell 11.tamping 12.heldbown 13.holdbown 14.getunder 15.dragoon 16.keepdown例句:
- 警方把暴亂鎮壓了下去。The police succeeded in quelling the riot.
- 已派士兵去鎮壓動亂。Soldiers were sent in to quell the riots.
- 一切抗議活動都遭到當局的野蠻鎮壓。All protest is brutally repressed by the regime.
- 這個獨裁者把所有反對他的活動均視為非法加以鎮壓。The dictator represses all opposition as illegal.
- 軍隊鎮壓[平息]了叛亂。The army has put down/suppressed the revolt.
- 這個軍人集團決心鎮壓政治上的一切反對派。The military junta is determined to put down all political opposition.
- 所有的抗議活動都遭到當局的野蠻鎮壓,並被宣布為非法。All protests are brutally repressed by the government as illegal.
- 叛亂分子很快都被鎮壓下去了。The rebels were quickly brought under.