拼音:zhèng zhì jiā英文翻譯
Caesar; politician; statesman; statesmen【法】 politician; stateman
1.politico 2.politican 3.statesmen 4.Caesar例句:
- 這個政治家發現飢餓的孩子們可憐的哭聲讓人不忍心聽下去。The politician found the piteous cries of the starving children unbearable.
- 政治家理所當然是諷刺的靶子。Politicians are legitimate targets for satire.
- 這個國家的青年沒有受到政治家的重視。The youth of the country are being ignored by politicians.
- 政治家應是人民的公僕。A politician should be a servant of the people.
- 那位著名的政治家去年被謀殺了。That famous politician was murdered last year.
- 那位政治家贏得了總統選舉,成為了總統。That politician won the presidential election campaign and became the President.
- 這位政治家為人們所敬重。The statesman is respected by people.
- 他們為這位政治家舉行了國葬。They held a state funeral in honour of the statesman.