拼音:zhèng zhì英文解釋:
political affair; politics; polity【經】 government
政府、政黨、集團或個人在國家事務方面的活動。治理國家施行的措施政治家政治未畢通也... >>查看“政治”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 政治和宗教是人們平常交談的主要話題。Politics and religion are daily topics of conversation.
- 他們談到人們如何在政治問題上使用及濫用數字來混淆視聽。They talked about how the uses and abuses of figures to prove things in politics.
- 她處理政治問題的方法很科學。She has a very scientific method of dealing with political problems.
- 他僅僅是涉足政治而已。He just dabbles in politics.
- 兩國之間的政治和解已經取得進展。Progress has been made towards a political compromise between the two nations.
- 那個皇帝實際上沒有政治實權。The emperor was actually a political eunuch.
- 他有一些很奇怪的政治信念。He has some pretty strange political ideas.
- 她的決定似乎顯示出缺乏政治判斷力。Her decision seems to show a lack of political judgement.