拼音:zhēng xún英文解釋:
徵求詢問 徵詢一些名作家的意見 >>查看“徵詢”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 他以徵詢的目光看了她一眼,看看她是否同意他的意見。He snot on enquiring glance at her to see if she agreed with him.
- 他以徵詢的目光看了她一眼,看看她是否同意他的意見。He snot on enquiring glance at her to see if she agreed with him
- 徵詢民眾意見seek the opinion of the masses
- 此外,政府亦會就廣泛問題,徵詢區議會的意見。The Government also consults these bodies on a wide range of issues.
- 此外,政府亦會就廣泛問題,徵詢區議會的意見。The Government also consults these bodies on a wide range of issues
- 她徵詢衛斯里究竟推薦何人來擔當此重任。She asked Wesley to recommend someone for the position.