字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>正象的英文翻譯


拼音:zhèng xiàng


just as
【計】 positive image


1.erect(ing)image  2.positivepicture  3.positiveimage  4.positivepattern  


  1. 情侶靠愛情生活,正象雲雀靠韭蔥生活一樣。
    Lovers live by love, as larks live by leeks.
  2. 正象雙凸透鏡可以放大那樣,雙凹透鏡也可以縮小。
    Just as a double convex lens enlarges, so a double concave lens reduces.
  3. 正象水能夠支承船那樣,空氣也能夠支承氣球。
    So air supports a balloon just as water does a ship.
  4. 小偷識小偷,正象狼識狼。
    A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf
  5. 正象你喜歡音樂那樣,我喜歡詩歌。
    As you like music, so I like poetry.
  6. 你需要東西保持你成長,正象你周圍的每件東西一樣。
    You need things to keep you grow, just as everything around you does.
  7. 怎樣表明了先知的事工正象盟約使者一樣?
    How do they illustrate the service of a prophet as a covenant emissary?
  8. 正象雙凸透鏡可以放大那樣,雙凹透鏡也可以縮小。
    Just as a double convex lens enlarges, so a double concave lens reduces
