拼音:zhěng tǐ de英文解釋:
integral; monolithic; unitary【計】 holistic
【化】 monolithic
1.integral 2.monoblock 3.global 4.monobloc 5.unsplit漢語造句:
- 基本的組合成一個整體的核心的;基礎的Constituting an integral part of a whole; fundamental.
- 全身治療的藥物;注重整體的生態學Holistic medicine; holistic ecology.
- 複印機中的一個箱體,它可以是也可以不是複印機整體的組成部分,作為減震系統的液體容器。In a duplicator, a tank that may or may not be an integral part of the machine, providing a reservoir of fluid for the damping system.
- 海軍艦船上設計用作一個相關整體的系統。a system designed to work as a coherent entity on board a naval ship.
- 平均數一個代表一組作為整體的數的特徵的值A number that typifies a set of numbers of which it is a function
- 樣品,試樣代表整體的一部分,一片或一段A portion, piece, or segment that is representative of a whole.
- 集合的集合、聚積成一整體的Assembled or accumulated into a whole
- 逝者作為一個整體的已死去的人們;逝者Dead persons considered as a group; the dead