字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>正確的的英文翻譯


拼音:zhèng què de


correct; right; true; just; perfect; punctual; accurate; valid
【計】 errorless
【經】 right


1.valid  2.perfect  3.literal  4.mathematic  5.nice  6.precise  7.verus  8.preciseness  9.dead-on  10.exact  11.punctual  12.aboutEast  13.unerring  


  1. 因為他不知正確的答案,只好胡編亂造一個。
    He had to fudge a reply because he didn't know the right answer.
  2. 我認為我在這個問題上是正確的,但我並不想拚命堅持這一點。
    I think I'm right on this issue but I wouldn't go to the stake over it.
  3. 我的直覺確實是正確的
    My intuitions proved correct.
  4. 這是正確的嗎?
    Would that be correct?
  5. 他證明了他是正確的,而那些非難他的人不得不收起他們那一套。
    He proved that he was right and his critics had to back down.
  6. 我認為他對這個問題的評論是不正確的
    I think his commentary on this issue is not correct.
  7. 你對這個問題的回答是正確的
    Your answer to the question is correct.
  8. 她透過霧眯著眼看,想找出正確的路。
    She peers through the mist, trying to find the right path.
