字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>證券公司的英文翻譯


拼音:zhèng quàn gōng sī


【經】 securities company


1.stockbrokeragefirm  2.securitiescompany  3.stockbrokeragecompany  4.PlasticsandLeatherIndustrial  


  1. 他一定很有錢,他在市裡的一家證券公司工作,並且還駕駛一輛新的“賓士”車。
    He must be well-heeled; he works for a firm of stockbrokers in the city and drives a new Benz.
  2. 有些公司,例如普天壽—貝池證券公司曾希望以逐漸削減沒有利潤的生意的方式度過不景氣,現在放棄商業融資等原來以為必要的營業。
    Some firms, like Prudential-Bache Securities Inc. which had hoped to ride out the downturn by paring unprofitable businesses, are now abandoning lines they once viewed as essential, like investment banking.
  3. 此外,按揭證券公司在促進定息按揭發展方面取得良好進展。
    We are also making good progress in promoting fixed rate mortgages.
  4. 按揭證券公司於一九九九年十月推出背對背按揭證券化計畫。
    The HKMC launched a back-to-back MBS Programme in October 1999
  5. 我國證券公司的發展與創新研究
    Research on the Innovation and Development of Securities Company in China
  6. 快速乙太網在證券公司中的套用
    The application of fast ethernet in stock company
  7. 如何將其它美國證券公司的帳戶轉移到史考特證券?
    How do I transfer my account from another company to Scottrade?
