拼音:zhèng pài英文解釋:
decency【法】 correctitude; decency
(1) ∶作風規矩、嚴肅;符合道德規範他被公認是正派的人(2) ∶宗族的嫡系;正... >>查看“正派”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 我們公司以享有經營作風正派的美譽而感到自豪。Our company is proud of its reputation for fair dealing.
- 傷風敗俗的與公認的正派的或謹慎的標準有衝突的Offensive to accepted standards of decency or modesty.
- 他十分正派,使人不能不喜歡他。His essential decency makes it impossible to dislike him.
- 奎瓦富先生是一個誠實正派,刻苦耐勞的人。Mr. Quiverful was an honest, painstaking, drudging man.
- 我希望我的兒子做個正派的人。I want my son to fly right.
- 正派人a man of principle
- 我只和正派的好人交往。I only associate with good decent fellows.
- 我希望那個社團多數是正派的人。l hope there’re a lot of decent guys in that club.