拼音:zhèng míng shū英文解釋:
certificate; ticket【經】 chitty; reterence; testimonial
由機關、學校、團體等發的證明資格或權力的檔案。 許地山 《危巢墜簡·無憂花》:... >>查看“證明書”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.testimonial 2.reference 3.ticket 4.verificationnote相關對話:
- 她持有以前的僱主寫的很好的證明書。She has excellent references from former employers.
- 該船帶著一份無疫證明書離開了廣州。The ship left Guangzhou with a clean bill of health.
- 他帶著一張他的品行證明書。He bears a testimonial as to his character.
- 該船帶著一份無疫證明書離開了廣州。The ship left Guangzhou with a clean bill of health
- 請把你的註冊證明書給我看好嗎?Will you show me your enrollment certificate, please?
- 這三份證明書證實質量不符,所以我們向貴公司提出索賠。These three ~s establish a claim against you for quality discrepancy.
- 無傳染病的健康證明書;完全的勝利者。a clean bill of health; a clear winner