拼音:zhēng liù qì英文解釋:
alembic; retort【化】 alembic; distillator; distillatory (vessel); distiller
1.distiller 2.distillationapparatus 3.distilatoryvessel 4.still 5.distillator 6.distillingapparatus例句:
- 有螺紋狀的物品某物,如螺旋線或蒸餾器的螺旋冷凝器,在構成或外表上像蠕蟲Something, such as the thread of a screw or the spiral condenser in a still, that resembles a worm in form or appearance.
- 通過對間歇蒸餾器攪拌機軸承結構的改進,消除了振動,使其運行平穩、可靠、高效。The vibration of the bearings of the agitator in an
- 蒸餾器,蒸餾者One that distills, as a condenser
- 蒸餾器皿a distillatory vessel