拼音:zhèng fǔ英文解釋:
government; state【經】 Gov't; government
(1) (2) 國家權力的執行機關,即國家行政機關(3) 古時稱宰相處理政務的處... >>查看“政府”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.state 2.regime 3.agencyliability 4.polity例句:
- 政府將派軍駐守沿海的城鎮。The government will garrison the coastal towns.
- 政府堅持自己的政策。The government stood pat in its policy.
- 史密斯先生在政府的行政部門工作。Mr. Smith works in an executive branch of the government.
- 這屆政府使得自己失去人心。The government made itself unpopular.
- 新政府上台後,我們有幾個計畫被砍掉了。Several of our plans got the axe when the new government came in.
- 由於政府縮減經費的緣故,有五百人被突然解僱了。Five hundred jobs were axed as a result of government spending cuts.
- 時機已經成熟,可以向政府權力提出挑戰了。The time was ripe for a challenge to the power of the government.
- 他是個在政府內有一定勢力的人。He is a man of some influence in the government circles.