拼音:zhèng cháng gōng zuò 英文解釋:
【機】 regular work相關詞條:
normalwork(ing)(operation;running) 相關對話:
- 在這項工作中,每人乾滿正常工作時間。
On this job everyone works straight-time.
- 這台空調器正常工作了兩年之後突然開始出毛病了。
After working well for two years the air conditioner suddenly started kicking up.
- 程式會影響正常工作嗎?
Will the program interfere with my normal work?
- 正常工作條件,不存在特殊工作要求(如高空、倒班等)。
Normal working condition. Do not have to work on shift-roster.
- 但系統在伺服閥線圈一路斷開的情況下,余度伺服作動系統仍能正常工作。
When one coil of servo valve is broken, the system works in going order.
- 在醫院住了一個月之後,她重新開始正常工作。
After a month in the hospital she is back in circulation
- 我怎樣才能使我們計算機正常工作?
How can I keep my computer healthy?