correctitude; just; positive; principal【計】 POS
【化】 nor-; ortho-
【醫】 iusto; nor-; o-; ortho-
正 zhèng 不偏斜,與“歪”相對:正午。正中(zh峮g )。正襟危坐。 合...>>查看“正”在國語字典中的解釋
1.main 2.principle 3.straight 4.upright 5.correctitude 6.plus(sign) 7.positive 8.justo相關對話:
- 他的帽子沒戴正。His hat isn't on straight.
- 他對著鏡子看領帶是否系正。He looked in the glass to check that his tie was straight.
- 他似乎把正號誤作負號了。He seems to have mistaken a plus for a minus.
- 正數的數目是無窮的。The number of positive numbers is infinite.
- 這個電荷是正電荷。This charge is a positive charge.
- 請等等!我幫你正正領帶。Just a minute! Let me put your tie straight.
- 我們是朝正北方向航行。Our course was straight to the north.
- 我的領帶系得正不正?Is my tie straight?