拼音:zhèn fēng英文解釋:
陣發性風力短時增大、不久又恢復原速的風今天白天風力二、三級,陣風五級 >>查看“陣風”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.gustyair 2.gustiness 3.gustofwind 4.windflaw 5.flurry 6.flatus 7.blastofwind 8.squall 9.puffofwind 10.gustywind中英例句:
- 那陣風(從屋頂上)刮下幾塊瓦來。The wind whipped several slates off (the roof).
- 一陣風把他的幾十。A puff of wind swept his hat off.
- 一陣風吹得燭光搖曳。A gust of wind made the candles flare.
- 這樣的陣風天裡我不想出門。I don't want to go out in this gusty day.
- 這陣風來自西北方。The wind is in the northwestern direction.