字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>震動的的英文翻譯


拼音:zhèn dòng de


quaky; quivery; shaky
【醫】 vibratile; vibrative; vibratory


1.subsultory  2.subsultive  3.shuddering  4.vibratory  5.vibrational  6.convulsive  


  1. 用輕柔的嗓音講話的(聲帶不震動的)。
    spoken in soft hushed tones (without vibrations of the vocal cords).
  2. 震動震動的情況
    An instance of quaking.
  3. 再順便補充一下,互補色在一起的時候會給人一種震動的感覺。
    In addition, the colors may seem to vibrate when viewed together.
  4. 粘在鋼琴線上阻止震動的小的粘起來的木板。
    a small felted block that drops onto a piano string to stop its vibration
  5. 鈴舌震動的鈴的部分零件。
    the part of a bell against which the clapper strikes
  6. 大吃一驚的,嚇壞了的被突然的吃驚或詫異所震動的
    Affected with sudden astonishment or amazement.
  7. 能夠或適於震動的
    Capable of or adapted to vibratory motion.
  8. 露天邊坡爆破震動的動態有限元研究
    Study of Dynamic Finite Element Method in Blasting Vibration of pit—Slope
