拼音:zhèn cháng英文解釋:
alcalde; bailiff中文解釋:
經常;常。 唐 韓愈 《杏花》詩:“浮花浪蘂鎮長有,纔開還落瘴霧中。” 宋 ... >>查看“鎮長”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 那幢別墅屬鎮長所有。The villa is in the mayor's possession.
- 特雷薩已決定作為候選人參加本鎮鎮長的競選。Teresa has decided to become a candidate for mayor of our town
- 約翰·克利夫正在競選我們鎮的鎮長。John Cliff is ru ing for the mayor of our town.
- 鎮長某些特定的州的自治村鎮的首要行政官員The chief executive of a borough in certain states
- 特雷薩已決定作為候選人參加本鎮鎮長的競選。Teresa has decided to become a candidate for mayor of our town.