拼音:zhēn běn英文解釋:
rare edition中文解釋:
珍貴而罕見的圖書 >>查看“珍本”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.scarcebook 2.uniquecopy 3.rareedition 4.rareprinting 5.rarebook中英例句:
- 擁有一流珍本書籍的收藏Has a marvelous collection of rare books.
- 我想我知道在哪兒能為你們買到那珍本書。I think I know where I can procure that rare book for you.
- 我得承認我很喜歡海內珍本。I must admit I am very fond of collect rare book.
- 這點陣圖書管理員從火中救出了一些珍本書。The librarian saved the rare books from the fire.