拼音:zhēn bǎo 英文解釋:
jewellery; treasure中文解釋:
珠玉寶石等(珍,強調物品的精美;不僅指珠玉,也指其他珍奇物品;寶,強調物品的貴重... >>
查看“珍寶”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
jewelery 漢語造句:
- 竊賊偷走了價值約10000英鎊的幾件珍寶。
The burglar made away with several valuable jewels worth about10000.
- 這裡我們可以看到三人組和他們身後的石拱門,還有大量的珍寶。
Stone arch the frames the trio and quite a lot of treasure.
- 但是對於他們而言,珍寶變成了痛苦。
But for them, the treasure turned into a torment
- 伯22:25全能者就必為你的珍寶、作你的寶銀。
Then the Almighty will be your gold And choice silver to you.
- 今天"珍寶"酒家有龍蝦嗎?--我想會有的.
Is there any lobsters in Jumbo today? --I expect so.
- 那份心的珍寶,那份甜美,我時時發現印在你美麗的笑容里。
The jewel of heart, that sweetness, I always find within your smiling face.