acupuncture; injection; needle; pin; pricker; stitch【醫】 acu-; needle; Pin; spicula; spicule; spiculum
1.styloprocts 2.scolpellum 3.spine 4.sting 5.thorn 6.acus 7.acicula 8.pricker 9.bullet 10.hand(hold) 11.prickle 12.acicle 13.aciculae例句:
- 昨天我給丈夫買了一支領帶別針。I bought a tie pin for my husband yesterday.
- 落葉松長著球果和針形的葉子。Larch has small cones and needle-like leaves.
- 她被針扎了一下。She pricked herself on a needle.
- 這條路上鋪滿了冷杉針葉。The road was covered with fir needles.
- 針刺進了她的手指。The needle pierced her finger.
- 那位藝術家用燒熱的針在書的封面上燙出圖案。The artist tooled a pattern onto the cover of the book with a hot needle.
- 蠍子的長尾巴上長著一個有毒的蟄針。A scorpion has a poisonous sting in its long jointed tail.
- 這條路上鋪滿了金黃色的松針,看上去美極了。The road looks beautiful covered by golden pine needles.