拼音:zhé fú英文解釋:
be convinced; be filled with admiration; subdue中文解釋:
(1) ∶使屈服或服從強詞奪理,不能折服人(2) ∶信服;心服令人折服 >>查看“折服”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 我們都被他那驚人的記憶力折服了。We are all overwhelmed by his prodigious memory.
- 對我這個外行來說,除了其中一段給人完美無缺的感受外,主要表演也是絕對令人折服的。Apart from the period feel which seems to my untrained eye to be perfect, the main performance is utterly convincing.
- 我們都被他那驚人的記憶力折服了。We are all overwhelmed by his prodigious memory
- 我們為他的口才所折服。We are convinced by his eloquence.