拼音:zhǎo zé dì 英文解釋:
everglade; glade; swale; swampland中文解釋:
∶地窪、潮濕、積水的地帶 >>
查看“沼澤地”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
marshland 2.
marshyground 3.
maremma 4.
glady 5.
muskeg 6.
ooze 7.
wham 8.
moor 9.
marshland 10.
bogland 11.
poccosin 12.
fenland 13.
swampingswampland 14.
swamparea 15.
marsh 16.
muckland 中英例句:
- 沼澤地里冒出了瘴氣。
A miasma rose from the marsh.
- 不要偏離車道--這一帶沼澤地多。
Keep to the track the moor is very boggy around here.
- 長征中,我們的紅軍戰士成功地涉過了沼澤地。
In the long March, our Red Army soldiers succeeded in wading through the marshland.
- 沼澤地區任一種其它的濕地,有泥炭底面,如沼澤
Any of certain other wetland areas, such as a fen, having a peat substrate.
- 一個人在沼澤地里是很危險的。
It's dangerous to be alone in the marsh.
- 這個村子周圍有湖泊與沼澤地,隔斷了與外界的聯繫。
The village is shut off from the world by lakes and marshes.