拼音:zhào míng dēng 英文解釋:
floodlight; jacklight; spotlight相關詞條:
headlamp 2.
illuminator 3.
exciterlamp 4.
headlight 5.
illuminatinglamp 6.
ringlighting 7.
spotlights 中英例句:
- 在小照明燈中,所有的空氣都從燈泡中抽出,形成真空,以防熾熱的燈絲被燒毀。
In small lamps, all the air is pumped from the glass bulb, forming a vacuum, which prevents the white-hot filament from burning away.
- 觀眾席照明燈照亮音樂廳、戲院或報告廳的觀眾席的燈
The lights that illuminate the audience section of a concert hall, a theater, or an auditorium.
- 米歇爾羅蘭被當之無愧的稱為是葡萄酒業者的照明燈,是葡萄酒業的標尺。
Michel Rolland is the worthy of head lamp and ruler of wine industry.
- 夜間照明燈
A night light