拼音:zhàn yòng英文解釋:
tie up【經】 appropriate; occupation
(1) ∶占有並使用;占據並使用設備已經被人占用了(2) ∶使用把電話占用了一小... >>查看“占用”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 對不起占用了你這么多時間。Sorry to have taken you so much time.
- 珠寶店占用了巴掌大的一塊地方。The jewelry store occupied a tiny hole-in-the-wall
- 占領或占用一軍事駐地To occupy as or convert into a military post.
- 我的時間完全被占用了。My time is fully engaged.
- 一個大學的建築所占用的地方。a field on which the buildings of a university are situated.
- 很抱歉,占用了你的時間。Sorry to have taken up your time.
- 對不起,能占用你幾分鐘時間嗎?Excuse me, but could you spare me just a couple of minutes?
- 這件事占用我所有的注意力。This thing takes up all my attention.