拼音:zhàn wěn 英文解釋:
keep one's legs; stand firm中文解釋:
(1) ∶保持直立;保持平衡(2) ∶站住 >>
查看“站穩”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 她打個踉蹌要倒下去,然後又站穩了。
She started to fall, then steadied herself.
- 我不知道你是如何在這岩斜坡上站穩腳跟的。
I don't know how you keep your footing on this rocky slope.
- 他太勞累以至於幾乎無法站穩;太髒以至於發出難聞的味道。
he was so tired he could hardly stand; so dirty that it smells.
- 她抓住拉手吊帶以便站穩。
She held onto a strap to steady herself.
- 我緊貼著梯子左腳站穩右腳扒開鐵絲,以便我的背包不被掛住。
What I needed to do was to get over the traverse wire.
- 不安全的姿勢;在梯子上沒站穩
A precarious posture; precarious footing on the ladder
- 不安全的姿勢;在梯子上沒站穩
A precarious posture; precarious footing on the ladder.