拼音:zhān mào英文解釋:
氈制的帽子。《南史·夷貊傳下·末國》:“土人剪髮,著氈帽。” 唐 李匡乂 ... >>查看“氈帽”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 那人戴著一頂古怪的氈帽。The man wears an odd felt hat.
- 一種柔軟的綠色氈帽,上面裝飾著一根羽毛或綢緞尾巴。soft green felt hat with a feather or brush hatband ornament
- 常禮帽圓頂,窄的彎曲帽檐的硬氈帽A stiff felt hat with a round crown and a narrow, curved brim
- 他戴著一頂氈帽。He is wearing a felt hat
- 特里碧帽一種有鋸齒形帽峰的軟氈帽A soft felt hat with a deeply creased crown
- 低圓頂軟氈帽一種有低圓頂的氈帽,很象圓頂禮帽A felt hat with a low, rounded crown, similar to a derby.