拼音:zhǎn lù tóu jiǎo 英文解釋:
cut a figure; make a figure中文解釋:
謂顯示出超群的才華。語本 唐 韓愈 《柳子厚墓志銘》:“雖少年,已自成人,能取... >>
查看“嶄露頭角”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
makeafinefigure 2.
makeagreatfigure 3.
makeagoodfigure 4.
cutafinefigure 5.
cutabrilliantfigure 6.
cutagreatfigure 7.
cutagoodfigure 8.
cometothefore 9.
cutaconspicuousfigure 10.
cutasplendidfigure 11.
makeabrilliantfigure 12.
makeaconspicuousfigure 13.
makeasplendidfigure 例句:
- 艾利森已在該劇院嶄露頭角,她已扮演主角。
Alison has made her mark in the theatre and is already playing leading parts.
- 這位年青的雜技演員第一次嶄露頭角是走鋼絲。
The young acrobat first began to make her mark by walking the tightrope.
- 這是他首次向世界嶄露頭角。
This was the first occasion for Diego to show himself to the world.
- 卡洛琳昨天穿著她的舞會禮服真是嶄露頭角。
Caroline cut a fine figure in her prom dress last night
- 他年紀輕輕的時候就已在娛樂界嶄露頭角。
He cut a figure in entertainment industry when he was very young
- 我記得披頭士嶄露頭角的年代。
I remember when the Beatles were an up-and-coming rock group.