拼音:zhāng zuǐ 英文解釋:
ask for a favor; gape; open one's mouth中文解釋:
開口說話。常指討價、借貸、乞求等。 明 《殺狗記·拒絕喬人》:“你休張嘴,便教... >>
查看“張嘴”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 她張嘴呆看著那個高個子,不相信他就是她的弟弟。
She gaped at the tall man, not believing that he was her younger brother.
- 一連串滔滔不絕的話都是同一張嘴巴講出來的。
An endless flow of word stream from the same orifice.
- 喬那張嘴不停地訓斥我們,又嚷又叫沒完沒了。
Joe kept jawing us, and making a piece of work all the time.
- 我們希望有孩子——有越來越多張嘴去供養。
We were hoping to have children: more and more mouths to feed.
- 他張嘴開始進行刻薄的反擊。
He opened his mouth to make a caustic retort.
- 請張嘴並把舌頭伸出來。
Open your mouth please, and show me your tongue.
- 她那張嘴真可以。
What a sharp tongue she has got!