拼音:zhǎng zǐ英文翻譯
cornstalk; eldest son【法】 aisne; first-born
- 該地產歸長子繼承。The estate went to the eldest son.
- 他死後,爵位傳給了長子。On his death, the title passed to his eldest son.
- 長子繼承了遺產的大部分。The eldest son inherited the bulk of the estate.
- 這頭銜按世襲傳給長子。The title passes by inheritance to the eldest son.
- 那長子是唯一掙錢養家的人。The eldest son is the family's only provider.
- 國王死後,其長子繼位。When the king died, his eldest son succeeded (to the throne).
- 他是長子,因此是頭銜的繼承人。He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title.
- 公爵去世之後,他的長子將繼承他的爵位。When the duke dies, his eldest son will succeed to the title.