拼音:zhǎng duò 英文解釋:
operate the rudder; steer中文解釋:
(1) ∶掌握船舵,比喻掌握方向(2) ∶掌舵的人,舵手 >>
查看“掌舵”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
helm 2.
atthehelm 3.
atthewheel 漢語造句:
- 他擔任牛津大學賽船的掌舵人。
He coxed the Oxford boat.
- 槳,櫓一根尾部有葉狀片的長而細的桿,多為木質,用於划船或掌舵
A long, thin, usually wooden pole with a blade at one end, used to row or steer a boat.
- 領航員掌舵駛向港囗。
The pilot steered for the harbor.
- 肯恩埋葬了在掌舵上的他手臂的他臉輪子並且發出嗚咽聲音。
Ken buried his face in his arms on the steering wheel and sobbed.
- 舵手船上掌舵人
The helmsman of a ship.
- 人生猶如一艘船,人人都應該有掌舵的本領。
Life is like a boat Everybody must learn to be skilled in boating
- 慢慢掌舵, 這樣我們就能使船穩穩地拐過去。
Turn the rudder slightly so that we can ease the boat round.
- 給…掌舵;掌舵或控制
To take the helm of; steer or direct.