拼音:cháng chū英文解釋:
come out; outgrow; send forth; send up【醫】 eruption
1.sprout 2.outgrew 3.outgrown 4.giveoff中英例句:
- 那孩子的門牙剛長出來。The baby's first front teeth are just coming through.
- 雪花蓮剛剛開始長出地面。The snowdrops are just beginning to come up.
- 在工廠後面的荒地上突然長出了草木。Greenery has sprouted out in the waste land behind the factory.
- 這株植物長出了兩枝新芽。The plant sent up two new shoots.
- 小苗長出了兩片子葉。Two cotyledons have come out from the seedling.