拼音:zhàn dòu jī英文解釋:
battleplane; fighter plane【機】 fighter aeroplane
即殲擊機。軍用飛機的一種。參見“ 殲擊機 ”。 >>查看“戰鬥機”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.battleplane 2.battleplan 3.fighterplane 4.fighteraviation 5.chaser 6.warplane 7.fighting-plane 8.combatplane 9.warcraft 10.combataircraft例句:
- 我方有兩架戰鬥機墜落在敵方。Two of our fighters came down inside enemy lines.
- 敵人的飛彈炸毀我們兩架戰鬥機。Enemy missiles took out two of our fighters.
- 當船隊接近海岸時,兩架戰鬥機飛近示警。Two fighters buzzed the convoy as it approached the coast.
- 這架戰鬥機徹底毀壞了。The fighter plane was completely destroyed.