拼音:zhǎn chì英文解釋:
spread the wings中文解釋:
展開翅膀展翅翱翔 >>查看“展翅”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 那鳥展翅飛翔。The bird extended its wings in flight.
- 雄鷹展翅高飛入藍天。The eagle opened out its and flew high up into the sky.
- 展翅飛翔wing its flight; fly on wings
- 你已經展翅飛離。U spread Ur wings U had flown.
- 鷹展翅高飛。The eagle opened out its wings and flew high up into the sky.
- 那陣陣長嘯,是海鷗在展翅搏擊。Uttering a cry, the sea gull flaps its wings