拼音:zhài wù rén英文解釋:
debtor; obligor【經】 credit receiver; obligator; obligor
使自己受約束和受他人的債務證書約束的人 >>查看“債務人”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 扣押(債務人的)財物以抵債To hold the property of(a person) against the payment of debts
- 債務人欠他人某物的人One that owes something to another.
- 債務人可以申請破產,這叫做“自願破產”。A debtor may file for bankruptcy,which is called "voluntary bankruptcy"
- 另一方面,引入CCA/DEA 模型,進行債務人信用風險評估。On the other hand, introduce CCA/DEA to evaluate obligors’credit risk.
- 義務的,債務人通過契約或法律契約而被另一人約束的人One who binds oneself to another by contract or legal agreement.
- 他要有關1991年債務人的案卷。He ask for the file on 1991 debtor.
- 如何從債務人進行保全?How to recover from debtors?
- 法庭授予我對我債務人財產的留置權。The court granted me a lien on my debtor’s property