拼音:zēng zhí英文解釋:
appreciation; increment【經】 accretion; added value; appreciation; increase; increment
incremental value; value added
價值增加 >>查看“增值”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.increment 2.increaseofvalue 3.multiplicati 4.incrementalcost 5.addedvalue 6.appreciate 7.IV相關對話:
- 政府計畫把增值稅率提高到17。5%。The government is proposed to increase vat to17.5%.
- 石油收益因美元增值而增加。Oil revenue have rise with the rise in the dollar.
- 自從附近修建了高速公路,本地的地產(價值)已經增值。Local property has appreciated (in value) since they built the motorway nearby.
- 整個星期美元一直在穩步增值。The dollar has been climbing steadily all week.