拼音:zēng guāng 英文解釋:
add lustre to; add to the prestige of中文解釋:
增添光彩為國增光 >>
查看“增光”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
reflectcrediton 相關對話:
- 這家農舍由於周圍的大榆樹而增光不少。
The farmhouse is dignified by the great elm around it.
- 他很勇敢使他所在的團大為增光。
His courage has brought great credit to/reflects credit on (ie gives a good reputation to) his regiment.
- 你們應該努力為學校增光。
You should try your best to be a credit to the school.
- 她是給家裡增光的人。
She is a credit to her family
- 芭蕾舞者是為舞蹈世界增光添彩的人
A ballerina who is an ornament to the world of dance.
- 你將會為母校增光。
You will be a credit to your school
- 你們應該努力為學校增光。
You should try your best to be a credit to the school