拼音:zēng bǔ英文解釋:
augment; subjoin; supplement【計】 enlargement
【化】 appendix; supplement
【經】 supplement
增加;補充增補章節 >>查看“增補”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.supplementation 2.appendix 3.subjunction 4.supplementarity中英例句:
- 增補號(X)表示有脫漏。The mark X denotes an omission.
- 修正案,修正條款對法案、憲法的正式修改、增補或改變Formal revision of, addition to, or change, as in a bill or a constitution
- 逐年的增補使這部字典的內容能隨時跟上形勢的發展。The yearly supplement keep the dictionary up to date.
- 判定對某申訴增補證詞;用證詞判決To append a verification to(a pleading); conclude with a verification.
- 《河南植物志》堇菜屬增補與訂正An Addition and Revision to the Violet(Viola) Flora of Henan
- 他給這本字典的增補部分寫了總結.He has written a summary for the supplement to a dictionary.