拼音:zá zhì英文解釋:
impurity【化】 impurities; impurity
【醫】 impurity
一種物質中所夾雜的不純成分 >>查看“雜質”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 從供應水中清除雜質的過濾器。a filter to remove impurities from the water supply.
- 乾淨的狀態;沒有贓物和雜質。the state of being clean; without dirt or other impurities.
- 鐵礦石從地下開採出來時具有不同含量的雜質。Iron ore, as mined, contains varying quantities of impurities.
- 它們是利用活性炭或者過濾網來捕捉雜質的。These use carbon or mesh to catch impurities.
- 啤酒在發酵過程中,排除掉雜質。Beer works of impurities in fermenting.
- 在下水道中的過濾器;讓水通過而把雜質留下。a filter in a sink drain; traps debris but passes water
- 在液體表面形成的雜質膜或植物層。a film of impurities or vegetation that can form on the surface of a liquid
- 費米相干態方法在雜質安德遜模型中的套用Application of Fermion Coherent State to Anderson-Impurity Model