拼音:zǎo qī de英文解釋:
1.youthful 2.primeval 3.premature漢語造句:
- 早期的人類和猿有某些相似之處。Early man shows certain affinities with the ape.
- 早期的手稿保存下來的不多。Few of the early manuscripts have been preserved.
- 他的想法在一定程度上是由他早期的經歷決定的。His attitudes were shaped partly by early experiences.
- 他們是一群早期的航海家。They were a group of early navigators.
- 我們有幾本早期的對開本書出售。We have several early folios for sale.
- 他早期的生涯並不很成功。His early career was not a great success.