拼音:zāo dào shī bài英文解釋:
come a howler; have the worse相關詞條:
1.goahowler 2.comeshorthome 3.hadtheworse 4.hastheworse 5.mucker例句:
- 過去一年中他連續遭到失敗;現在他在努力設法擺脫這種局面。He's been dogged by failure in the past year; now he is working strenuously to pull out.
- 這一試驗一再遭到失敗。Again and again the test met with no success.
- 為什麼我的計畫總是遭到失敗?Why are my plans always doomed to failure?
- 夾著尾巴;垂頭喪氣;遭到失敗Be humiliated, dejected or defeated
- 純粹是由於敵眾我寡,我軍才遭到失敗的。Our army was beaten by sheer weight of numbers.