拼音:zàng hóng huā英文解釋:
【化】 saffron【醫】 saffron
(1) ∶即番紅花。一種蔦尾科植物(2) ∶該種植物的花柱的上部及柱頭 >>查看“藏紅花”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 因為天氣寒冷, 今年藏紅花開得晚.The crocuses came out late this year because of the cold weather.
- 邁阿密上空暴風雨大作。藏紅花破土而出A storm was breaking over Miami Crocuses broke from the soil
- 藏紅花色一種從灰紅紫色到淡紅紫色的顏色A grayish to light reddish purple.
- 乾的、芬芳的、古代藏紅花屬的柱頭。dried pungent stigmas of the Old World saffron crocus.
- 從藏紅花中提取的一種通常用來治療痛風的止痛藥。an analgesic drug derived from the saffron plant and used to treat gout.
- 藏紅花色一種從灰紅紫色到淡紅紫色的顏色A grayish to light reddish purple